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/ Megarom / Megarom Macintosh CD Software (Quantum Leap)(1992).iso / DA / Network Calendar ƒ / Network Calendar / Network Calendar.rsrc / PICT_-15983.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1992-01-27  |  52KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: reckoner | sky
OCR: Order Form Mail to: T&T Software, 109 Tee Circle, Salem, VA 24153. Please send U.S. funds only. Orders outside of the and Canada add 2 .00 postage Tax payer ID furnished uodn request am interested in Network Calendars. Please send the latest version of the NetCal DA NetCal-Init and NetCal-Key files Select an option below Number of Macintoshes that will share calendars: Cost is $10.00 per Macintosh Total amount enclosed: [ ]lv would like a fully functional demonstration version that will allow Macs to share calendars for months $5.00 enclosed. My name and address is: upon